Friday, February 28, 2020

Early Literacy Instruction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Early Literacy Instruction - Research Paper Example The kind of teaching that is done and the time that teaching is done also affects the rate and quality of learning or literacy acquisition that will take place. Reading acquisition is one of the most important literacy components that take place in people. As far reading instructions are concerned, it has been argued that the acquisition process becomes more effective and efficient when it is done at the very early stages of a child’s learning career. It has also been said that the type of learning intervention that is used by trainees or teachers in teaching reading instructions is also very instrumental in determining the success rate of the learning process. Because these assertions are generalized, the present research paper is dedicated to critically analyzing; by comparing and combing existing works of research to draw valid conclusions on the acquisition of early reading instructions with focus on phonemic awareness. The meta-analysis shall be done using eight existing recent research based studies. The contents of these research works shall be put together in four major themes as discussed below. The use of Scaffolding as a teaching Intervention Two of the research based literatures were thematically captioned to touch on the use of scaffolding as an intervention to teach phonetic awareness. These were research works from Lea et al (2009) and Shayne et al (2010). Whereas Lea et al (2009) sees scaffolding as a teacher-based approach to teaching phonetic awareness, Shayne et al (2010) sees scaffolding as a student based approach. Both researchers however agree that scaffolding is used in such a way that the teaching of phonetic awareness is taken from the student’s perspective whereby the teacher undertakes the teaching process from a point where student lacks the acquisition of a particular phonetic skill. The actual scaffolding takes place in the form of provision of series of guidance to students in developing the phonetic awareness of a particular sound (Lea, 2009). The intervention is thus called scaffolding because the teacher unfolds the learning process through a series of steps or processes (Shayne, 2010). In the various researches, it was found that one of the commonest ways in which kindergarten children learned phonetics was to isolate the sounds in a word, especially the first sound. It was therefore necessary that teachers taught phonemic awareness through the teaching of individual sounds of letters rather than combining them at a very early stage of language acquisition. Effect of phonetic awareness on English reading in non-English children Two other researchers found in their research works that the basis of English reading acquisition was phonetic awareness (Yeung et al, 2012 and Ryder et al, 2007). This means that for children to effectively acquire English reading skills, they needed to have a very good basis in phonemic awareness. According to Yeung et al (2012), phonemic awareness is the single m ost effective way to attempt to pronounce or spell any new English word. Consequently, Ryder et al (2010) hold the opinion that for effective reading to take place among new readers, it is important that the learner gets an idea about as many phonetic sounds of letters as possible. This way, the pronunciation of new words will be attempted by the sounds and pronunciation of already known letters. Consequently, the researchers lay emphasis on learning from the known to the unknown using phonemic awareness. Indeed, the researcher were quick to criticize other

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Business Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Intelligence - Essay Example The systems are diverse and highlight every perspective of the business such as the customer profiling and support, market segmentation and research and statistic evaluations among others. Several companies gather enormous quantities of information from their various business processes. The collection of data of such quantities enables the business to determine the problems facing the organizations in its desire to fulfill the needs of its customers and the understanding the quality of their services. The desires of providing best quality of products and provision of outstanding services to the customers might demand the use of many software programs especially in data mining and data entry. Here, there will be detailed analysis of the business intelligence with respect to human resource functions. Therefore, the piece would provide suitable solutions to problems such as employee absenteeism, delays to the customers and the associated complaints. Generally, there will be the analysis of the application of business intelligence to ensure ideal operations of a business organization. Nonetheless, it is essential to understand that business intelligence depends on data mining to a greater degree. ... Applications of Mashups Mashups are essential in every organization due to their relevance and capacity to execute desirable functions in an organization. There are server based and web based mashups grouped according to the source of data, analysis and reformatting of information. The functionality of the mashups are based on three main components – the presentation, web services and data. Mashups include the applications, which reuse and join information together with services that are present online and they are created in a sudden ad-hoc manners to facilitate automation of procedures together with remixing the data. Mashup creation promotes faster, easy and affordable program creation by reusing resources that have been developed already, evaluated, and catered for by the large quantity of raw material found on the Web. The Use of Mashups in Human Resource In human resource, staffing is the essential element that determines the performance in an organization. Mashups are c apable of upholding all the staffing features due to its ability to fit their functionalities. The components considered in the Mashups creation entail selection, human resource planning, job evaluation and recruitment. Mashups are useful in the evaluation of time and attendance of the employees. Mashups have automation feature that computerizes the activities of the managers. The Masups are capable of determining the time frame within which particular staff reported and or engaged in given activities. This system is capable of collecting information on ideal time and activities-related engagements. The system is also composed of a searching capability, which enables it to find the information of an employee in the profile category and opt for the allocation of work.